IT系/外国人材求人の求人/株式会社 ジャフプラザ 掲載案件
- 高収入
- 高時給
- 土日休み
■ポジション名 : 上海勤務! 海外営業アシスタント(中国語必須)
■雇用形態 :正社員
■職種 :貿易事務/国際事務
■業種 :メーカー(レーザー加工・精密板金加工専門メーカー )
■勤務地 :中国(上海)
■様々な業界(工作機械・食品 ・半導体メーカーなど)から依頼される金属加工案件を営業が受注し、その後のサポート業務
(工作図面/生産管理システム/操作方法/その他当社内での一連の業務工程 の理解 など)
・日本語能力 : ネイティブ以上
☆20代女性 歓迎!!!
≪ 当社営業組織の雰囲気・営業事務としてのやりがい ≫
■お客様の8割が既存顧客のリピート案件。顔なじみのお客 様も多く、低い離職率を誇っております。
300~500万円/年 ※給与詳細 : 日本での1年間は日本の給料水準。上海では現地水準で支給
■受動喫煙防止措置 :屋内原則禁煙(喫煙室あり)
【休日】112日 (内訳)日曜 祝日
(工作図面の読解力UP/生産管理システムの把握/操作方法の取得/その他当社内での一連の業務工程 など)
Position Title: Overseas Sales Assistant Overseas Sales Assistant (Chinese required)
Employment Status : Full-time
Type of work: Trade/international office work
Type of Business : Manufacturer (manufacturer specializing in laser processing and precision sheet metal processing)
Work location: China (Shanghai)
Work location: China (Shanghai) *Work location details: OJT at each office (Tokyo→Tohoku→Kansai→Chubu→Kyushu→Okayama) for 1 year, then transfer to Shanghai
Job Description
In this role, you will be responsible for providing support to the sales team for metal processing projects from a variety of industries (machine tools, food, semiconductor manufacturers, etc.).
As for the work location, as mentioned above, OJT for about one year in Japan, then scheduled to be transferred to Shanghai.
On-the-job training (OJT) includes classroom and factory training, as well as visits to other domestic bases to learn about the business.
(Understanding of machine drawing/production control system/operation method/other series of work process in our company, etc.)
Chinese language proficiency level 5 or above
Experience in business using Chinese language
Experience working or studying in China.
Japanese ability: Native or above
Female candidates in their 20s welcome!
≪ Our client is looking for an experienced sales clerk to join their team.
We are looking for a person who has experience in the following areas We are proud of our low turnover rate as many of our customers are familiar with us.
You will be working together with the sales representative. There are no quotas for assistant positions, but there are incentives when targets are met.
3 to 5 million yen per year *Salary details: Japanese salary level for one year in Japan. In Shanghai, you will be paid at the local level.
Various social insurance
Group life insurance
Retirement allowance system
Group life insurance
Training gyms available at discounted rates at some offices
Prevention of passive smoking: No smoking indoors in principle (smoking rooms available)
(Breakdown) Sundays and national holidays
Family allowance: spouse 13,000 yen/child 4,000 yen, property retirement allowance system (over 3 years of service), reemployment system (retirement age 60, until 65)
Selection process
Application screening→First interview→Second interview→Final interview→Offer
About after joining the company
On-the-job training in Japan is planned for one year after joining the company (training at the Okayama head office is possible). In the first year after joining the company, on-the-job training in Japan is planned (training may be conducted at the Okayama head office), focusing on classroom and factory training, as well as visits to
職種 | IT系/外国人材求人 |
会社名 | 株式会社 ジャフプラザ 掲載案件 |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 300~500万円/年 |
勤務地 | 東京都複数勤務地 |
最寄り駅 | 複数勤務地 |
転勤 | あり 全国で研修→上海勤務 |
マイカー通勤 | 不可 |
就業時間 | 9:00~18:00 |
休憩時間 | 60分 |
休日 | 他 |
週休二日 | 基本なし |
必要な資格,免許 | 特になし |
学歴 | 大卒以上 |
経験 | 中国語を使ったビジネス経験がある方 |
採用人数 | 5人以上 |
加入保険 など |
健康保険 |
通勤手当 | 実費支給 上限あり 要相談 |
育児休業取得実績 | なし |
定年制 | なし |
再雇用 | なし |
応募方法 |
選考方法 | 面接, 書類選考 |
必要書類 | 履歴書, 職務経歴書 |
会社名 | 株式会社 ジャフプラザ 掲載案件 |