
  • 男性
  • 年齢 30代
  • 職業 会社員

再生可能エネルギー関連の洋上風力の開発プロジェクトにおいて、Quality Managerとして主に官庁審査対応、製作品質管理、工事品質管理に関わる国際的な部門横断業務、チームマネージメント、問題解決を遂行して参りました。この業務はヨーロッパ、アジア、日本と様々な地域とのグローバルなやりとりを含みます。

Currently working as a Project Quality Manager for RWE Renewable Japan which runs offshore power plant development project in Japan. I am responsible for international cross-functional operations, team management, and problem solving, mainly related to regulatory review, manufacturing quality control, and constructional quality management. I am managing budget of 1 billion Japanese yen (10 million USD) for quality control for one project.
This work involves global interaction with various regions in Europe, Asia and Japan.
I was seconded from the Japan office to the European headquarters since 2019 as requested by the European headquarters. I am responsible for building and managing a quality team. The team coordinates multiple internal and external stakeholders, we implement cooperation, collaboration and negotiation with domestic power generation owners and government officials.
As a continuous improvement to build a strong quality team, I provide education to both Quality team and global engineering team. I am trying to get up-to-date information of laws and standards and market trends.
In addition, a specific quality policy has been formulated based on the company's quality policy as a company-wide quality assurance activity. Based on the policy, I have instructed each business division and related departments to deploy it effectively. I carry out periodic management reviews and furthermore review the effectiveness of quality assurance activities in our daily activities. The status of the implementation of the quality management system, including the results of these activities, and the need for improvements are reported to management in a timely manner.
I have multiple experience in the management and supervision of the construction and maintenance of power generation facilities, steel mill and pulp and paper mill.
I have comprehensive knowledge and experience in plant engineering.
I am able to respond flexibly to any situation, from experience to have business trips to many overseas countries.

猪股 さんの投稿一覧



